I have been told that we have two devices on a network: and These devices both have. Gateway Subnet mask (note 225 is Not a typo). These are& ...
subnetmask questions
I have a new ASUS router that works perfectly, and I`m trying to set up an ASUS EA-N66R repeater to use with that router. But when I connect my Ethernet from my laptop to the repeater, the setup will not launch for the& ...
closed as unclear what you`re asking by KronoS, Darth Android, gronostaj, AthomSfere, soandos Jul 5 at 0:31. Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it`s currently written, it`s hard to& ...
My current setup is following: 192.168.1.x is the main zone behind a NAT router of my internet provider. 192.168.2.x is another zone, where all my devices live - they are behind another NAT router, which allows much more configuration etc.
I have been told that we have two devices on a network: and These devices both have. Gateway Subnet mask (note 225 is Not a typo). These are& ...
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